Alluring Alpacas and WX4BK, Temple, GA Weather

  Alluring Alpacas and WX4BK, Temple, GA Weather

21/12/24 11:16:00

High Temperature 72.7°F at 14:48:50 (Wednesday)
Low Temperature 28.9°F at 02:07:11 (Friday)
High Heat Index 73.1°F at 14:48:50 (Wednesday)
Low Wind Chill 21.2°F at 05:52:03 (Saturday)
High Humidity 99% at 08:40:08 (Sunday)
Low Humidity 54% at 12:41:09 (Friday)
High Dewpoint 65.4°F at 12:27:30 (Wednesday)
Low Dewpoint 27.4°F at 20:41:20 (Friday)
High Barometer 30.499 inHg at 09:56:57 (Sunday)
Low Barometer 29.975 inHg at 14:27:05 (Friday)
Total Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr at 00:00:08 (Sunday)
High Wind 28 mph from N/A (N/A) at 16:58:39 (Friday)
Average Wind 4 mph
RMS Wind 5 mph
Vector Average Speed 2 mph
Vector Average Direction 316° (NW)
High Inside Temperature 73.2°F at 11:28:00 (Tuesday)
Low Inside Temperature 53.8°F at 10:45:16 (Saturday)
High Temperature 72.7°F at 18/12/24 14:48:50
Low Temperature 18.1°F at 04/12/24 05:22:00
High Heat Index 73.1°F at 18/12/24 14:48:50
Low Wind Chill 8.1°F at 06/12/24 08:29:25
High Humidity 99% at 01/12/24 00:00:10
Low Humidity 23% at 07/12/24 12:12:18
High Dewpoint 65.4°F at 18/12/24 12:27:30
Low Dewpoint 10.9°F at 06/12/24 05:40:47
High Barometer 30.595 inHg at 13/12/24 07:21:45
Low Barometer 29.737 inHg at 11/12/24 02:25:08
Total Rain 1.50 in
High Rain Rate 1.59 in/hr at 10/12/24 14:11:53
High Wind 28 mph from N/A (N/A) at 20/12/24 16:58:39
Average Wind 4 mph
RMS Wind 5 mph
Vector Average Speed 2 mph
Vector Average Direction 298° (WNW)
High Inside Temperature 74.3°F at 10/12/24 05:04:02
Low Inside Temperature 47.5°F at 06/12/24 07:30:18